July 09, 2024

Presentation on the impact of proximity certifications on consumer preferences at Agrotech

 LAB4SUPPLY participated in the 2nd Agrotech Open Day, organized by the Unversitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Viladecans. CREDA presented the study of the impact of direct sales certifications and short channel on consumer preferences.

Consumer preferences LAB4SUPPLY presentation in Agrotech
MAY 30, 2024

LAB4SUPPLY Final Conference in Barcelona

On May 30, LAB4SUPPLY celebrated the Final Conference in the Barcelona School of Agri-Food and Biosystems Engineering (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Castelldefels (Barcelona). 

Main conference: 

  • Regulation as a driver for innovation. Multi-stakeholder identification and diffusion of innovations addressing the plastic challenge in agri-food value chains: Findings and lessons from the ECOPAP project. By David Fernandez, CREDA

Round table on tomato production and commercialisation:

  • Presentation by Zein Kallas (CREDA), Coordinator and Moderator
  • Importance of local tomato varieties in Catalonia. By Anna Rivera, Foundation Miquel Agustí (FMA)
  • Quantification of the losses and food waste in the horticulture sector. By Amelia Sarroca, Center for Agrofood Economics and Development
  • Effect of objective information and narrative in the acceptance of genetically modified tomatoes (CRISPR) by the consumers. By Djamel Rahmani, Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC)
MAY 30-31, 2024

LAB4SUPPLY Final General Meeting in Castelldefels, Barcelona

On May 30-31 LAB4SUPPLY celebrated the Project Final Meeting in the Barcelona School of Agri-Food and Biosystems Engineering (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Castelldefels (Barcelona). 

The partners from Spain, France, Morocco, Algeria, Greece and Italy shared the results of the work carried out during the project and the outcomes of the Agri-food Living Labs.

March 18, 2024

Scientific publication

Assessing the Downstream and Upstream Preferences of Stakeholders for Sustainability Attributes in the Tomato Value Chain

Adrià Menéndez i Molist. Zein Kallas and Omar Vicente Guadarrama Fuentes

Research Center for Agri-Food Economics and Development (CREDA-UPC-IRTA), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), 
08860 Castelldefels, Spain

February 26, 2024

Scientific publication

Les indicateurs de durabilité de la chaîne de valeur caroubier au Maroc : cas de la région Béni Mellal-Khénifra

Hassan Ouabouch. FSJES Ain Chock, Université Hassan II de Casablanca

Soundouss Cherboub. FEG, Université Ibn Toufail

Karima El baamrani. FSJES Ain Chock, Université Hassan II de Casablanca

January 25, 2024

Scientific publication

Nutritional Benefits and Antihyperglycemic Potential of Carob Fruit (Ceratonia siliqua L.) - An Overview

Salah Laaraj (INRA), Ashiq Hussain (University of Sargodha), Aziz Mouhaddach (Mohammed V University, Rabat), Younes Noutfia (INRA), Faiza Iftikhar Gorsi (University of Sargodha), Shazia Yaqub (University of Sargodha), Imtiaz Hussain (Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan), Rizwan Nisar (INRA), Souad Salmaoui (Moulay Slimane University), Kaoutar Elfazazi (INRA). 

December 19, 2023

Second Focus Group On The Fig Value Chain In Alguaire

Second focus group organized in the Alguaire (Catalonia) town hall on the fig supply chain. We discussed with farmers, processors, restaurants, distributors and public agents actions to promote the local fruit and the potentiality of creating a Mediterranean fig route including this Catalan town. 

Alguaire FC 2
December 15, 2023

Workshop on "Better organization to market products through short distribution channels"

Students from the Master EcoDEVA (Master2 co-accredited by CIHEAM-IAMM, Institut Agro Montpellier and Université de Montpellier) and Boutiques Paysannes joined forces to run a workshop as part of the #Lab4Supply project in Vézénobres (France).

Fig suoply chain workshop
December 15, 2023

Second Focus group on the tomato value chain in Castelldefels

Focus Group held in CREDA’s premises (Castelldefels, Barcelona). Once again different stakeholders have discussed the distribution problems of the tomato value chain and focused on the potential solutions agreed by all the actors involved.

November 11, 2023

Workshop on the use of living labs in Sonora (Mexico)

An exchange of experiences between LAB4SUPPLY and the Unión Ganadera Regional de Sonora (Mexico), from farm to fork in the livestock supply chain. Omar Guadarrama (CREDA) gave a workshop on the use of Living Labs to promote innovation in Agri-food Supply Chains.

November 10, 2023

LAB4SUPPLY at the 5th Consumer Symposium in Sonora (Mexico)

At the 5th Consumer Symposium organised by the University of Sonora (Mexico), Omar Guadarrama (CREDA) gave the conference “LAB4SUPPLY, an Ecosystem of Innovation in the Agri-Food Sector” at the Universidad de Sonora, Mexico.

November 8, 2023

Jornada de l'Horta in Santa Susanna

LAB4SUPPLY participated in the XXVII “Jornada de l’Horta” at Santa Susanna (El Maresme, Catalunya, Spain) with the presence of Zein Kallas (CREDA). The Congress was organised by the Town Council of Santa Susanna and IRTA. 

OCTOBER 25, 2023​

Workshop On Commercialisation​

Prof. Zein Kallas gave a lecture on “determining factors in the adoption of innovations in the agricultural sector” during the 1st Horticultural Congress of Catalonia organised by the Generalitat de Catalunya and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. 

October 20, 2023

Consumer choice experiment

The Agricultural University of Athens and CREDA have organized an experiment with consumers to find out their preferences when purchasing fig jam. The experiment has been a success with 600 participants in Spain and Greece.

October 5-6, 2023


The 2nd General Meeting of LAB4SUPPLY was held last week in the Qualipole of alimentation of Beni Mellal in Morocco. The partners have shared their progress in the Living Labs, discussed of key issues and arranged the action plan for 2024.

A visit to the Regional Center of Agricultural Research of Tadla (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, INRA Maroc) has been held.

September 30, 2023

Festa del Tomàquet in Viladecans

LAB4SUPPLY workshop: “Research space: come taste tomatoes” to investigate the impact of the information on the origin of the tomato on consumers’ sensory perception and acceptance. 
September 26, 2023

PRIMA Gender report: LAB4SUPPLY is enhancing women participation in agrifood value chains

Check out the #GenderReport of the PRIMA Program. We are grateful that the LAB4SUPPLY project is featured as a success story. We continue to empower women for more equitable and diverse agri-food value chains!
SEPTEMBER 17, 2023

"La Figue En Méditerranée": Exhibition And Tasting Of Fig Products

The Mediterranean stakeholders exhibited fig products from Morocco, Algeria and Spain: fresh and dried figs, pastries, jams, liquors, etc.

SEPTEMBER 16, 2023

Twinning Of The Towns Of Vézénobres (France) and Alguaire (Spain)

Signature of the Majors of the two towns to strengthen the collaboration between the two high-value fig production localities

SEPTEMBER 15, 2023

Jours de figues de vézénobres 2023

Special edition of the Fig Fair of Vézénobres with the presence of delegations from Spain, Morocco and Algeria. 

  • Conferences on irrigation management and technologies
  • Stakeholders exchange of knowledge and experiences 
  • Visit To The Vézénobres Mediterranean Fig Orchard
  • Exhibitions and tasting of fig products 
  • Presentations of the case study fig value chains

AEEA Congress Presentation (Spain)

LAB4SUPPLY has participated in the XIV Agrifood Economics Congress of the Spanish Association of Agrifood Economics: “Strategies of agrifood systems in the face of global challenges”. Omar Guadarrama (CREDA) has presented: 

  • “Sustainability in the tomato and fig supply chains in Catalonia”

AEEA Congress Presentation (Spain)

LAB4SUPPLY has participated in the XIV Agrifood Economics Congress of the Spanish Association of Agrifood Economics: “Strategies of agrifood systems in the face of global challenges”. Hassan Ouabouch (Hassan II University) has presented: 

  • “The sustainability of the carob value chain in Morocco”

AEEA Congress Presentation (Spain)

LAB4SUPPLY has participated in the XIV Agrifood Economics Congress of the Spanish Association of Agrifood Economics: “Strategies of agrifood systems in the face of global challenges”. Adrià Menéndez (CREDA) has presented: 

  • “Optimising the agri-food value chain through short supply chains: tomato in the province of Barcelona” 

INRA Webinar on the living lab

Zein Kallas (CREDA) gave the lecture “The LIVING LAB approach as an Ecosystem for Co-innovation:The Stakeholder Mapping methodology” during the seminar organised by INRA Maroc.  


Organised session at the European Association of Agricultural Economics Congress: "The LIVING LAB approach as an Ecosystem for Co-innovation in the Agrifood systems"

During the European Association of Agricultural Economics Congress #EAAE2023Rennes in Rennes (France), CREDA has participated in the Organised Session on the Living Lab approach. Programme of the event:

  • Living lab: approach and experience: Martina De Sole (ENoLL)
  • Living Lab for co-developing a Decision Support System ICT Tool for a more food-sustainable Supply Chain in the LAB4SUPPLY project. The Stakeholder Mapping Methodology – Zein Kallas, Adrià Menéndez i Molist, Omar Vicente Guadarrama Fuentes (CREDA)
  • Living Lab for co-designing Blockchain ecosystem in the TECHONEY project to prevent honey fraud amoing beekeepers and consumers. – Tiziana De Magistris, Fabio Vernue and Mario Amato (CITA)
  • Living Lab for co-designing innovations for sustainable land and water management. A guiding framework for Mediterranean countries in SALAM-MED project- Alessandra Scardigno and Lorenzo Labellarte (CIHEAM-IAM Bari)
  • Living Labs to co-develop innovation prototypes for new business models, voluntary sustainability standards and a digital platform in small scale farmers-based supply chain systems: the case of the Med-Links project Pilot Actions on fruit and vegetables value chains. Paolo Prosperi (CIHEAM-IAMMontpellier)and Luca Camanzi (Bologna)
August 29, 2023 - DISSEMINATION

Presentations at the European Association of Agricultural Economics Congress

LAB4SUPPLY has participated in the European Association of Agricultural Economics Congress #EAAE2023Rennes in Rennes (France). CREDA (Omar Guadarrama) has presented two works: 

  • “Sustainability Assessment of the Food Supply Chains. A Synthetic Index Proposal”
  • “Agri-food Value Chain Analysis Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process: Assessing Stakeholders’ Preferences”
JULY 17, 2023

Workshop on tomato: Is direct sales a realistic distribution channel?

Workshop during the Open Doors Day at the Agròpolis experimentation centre (UPC, Viladecans). LAB4SUPPLY has organised a workshop to discuss direct sales commercialisation. 
June 27, 2022

First Cévennes chestnut focus group

CIHEAM Montpellier organised the 1st meeting of the working group on the development of the “Châtaigne des Cévennes” sector, in collaboration with the producers’ association.

June 19, 2022

Reception of a turkish delegation

Reception of a delegation from the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and field visit (Haute Vallée de l’Orb), organised by Agropolis and Lab4Supply (CIHEAM Montpellier). The aim was to meet the chestnut players and find out more about the sector.

June 14, 2023

AgroTech Viladecans

CREDA participated in the AgroTech conference organised by the city council of Viladecans and AgroTech UPC. We took part in the round table discussion on challenges and opportunities of technology in the horticultural sector.

April 28, 2023

First fig focus group at Jnan Rif

1st meeting of the Living-Lab on the Fig value chain at the rural community of North Morocco, hosted by the “Jnan Rif” cooperative. 

MARCH 8, 2023

First Carob focus group in Ouezzane

1st meeting hosted by INRA Morocco. LAB4SUPPLY is creating a platform with the stakeholders to discuss the optimisation of the Carob value chain.

February 20, 2023

First fig focus group in Vézénobres

1st meeting of the Living-Lab on the Fig value chain, organised by the CIHEAM-IAMM at the Maison de la Figue in Vézénobres.

December 19, 2022

First fig focus group in alguaire

Focus group organized by CREDA and celebrated in the town hall of Alguaire (Catalonia) on the fig supply chain. 

DECEMBER 2, 2022

CIHEAM Montpellier in ULRAC's AGM

Participation of CIHEAM Montpellier in the AGM of the Union Languedoc-Roussillon des Acteurs Castanéicoles (ULRAC), organised at the SICA de Caroux. 1st LAB4SUPPLY results and organisation of the next steps with the Cévennes chestnut industry.

DECEMBER 19, 2022


LAB4SUPPLY reaches the first half of the project and we want to share with you our progress. These are our 2022 news: we have presented our project video, held the General Meeting, completed the data collection and conducted the first Focus Groups of our Multi-stakeholder Platforms!

November 17, 2022

Presentation Video Release!

Take a look at the project’s presentation video – English audio and available subtitles in French, Spanish, Greek and Arabic. 

November 3, 2022

First Tomato FG in Castelldefels

Focus Group held in CREDA’s premises (Castelldefels, Barcelona). Different stakeholders have discussed the distribution problems of the tomato value chain. 

October 3, 2022

First General Meeting at Barcelona

This week the General Meeting of #LAB4SUPPLY took place at the CREDA (Research Center for Agrifood Economy and Development) facilities, in the UPC’s Campus Baix Llobregat (Castelldefels, Barcelona). 

A key event to move forward in our project!

September 18, 2022

Fira de la figa d'Alguaire 2022

Fig Fair Held In Alguaire (Lleida), The Town With The Highest Fig Production In Catalonia. We Have Presented The LAB4SUPPLY Project To Stakeholders And Worked Closely With The Sector. 

September 17, 2022

Jours de figues vézénobres 2022

Fig event organised by Maison de la Figue of Vézénobres (Le Gard), with Morocco as the guest country. LAB4SUPPLY was presented to explore the sector and network with stakeholders.

September 15, 2022

Check out the new project leaflet!

You will find all the information about the project: objectives, participants and contact details.

JULY 22, 2022

Capacity building for Living Lab in Bari

The LAB4SUPPLY team visited CIHEAM Bari (Italy) to participate in the PRIMA SALAM-MED project workshop on Living Lab training. Zein Kallas shared his experience in the Stakeholder Mapping methodology.

JULY 8, 2022

Work meeting at CIHEAM Montpellier

The CREDA and CIHEAM teams met in Montpellier to work on the selection of sustainability indicators for agri-food value chains.

July 7, 2022

data collection is underway!

The LAB4SUPPLY partners are going deep into data collection. We collect surveys from producers, consumers, distributors, restaurants and processors in the tomato (Spain), chestnut (France), goat (Algeria), carob (Morocco) and fig (all countries) value chains.

July 15, 2021

LAB4SUPPLY Kick off meeting!

Kick-off meeting of the LAB4SUPPLY project with all partners present. We had the pleasure to have the attendance of PRIMA’s officer DR. Mohamed Ahmed Wageih, who presented the project work plan and the KPIs to make this project a success.