Jours de Figues Video Capsules

Video capsule #16 Le figuier au Maroc

Conference within the framework of the round table ” The fig in the Mediterranean ” held during the Jours de Figues de Vézénobres (Gard, France), on September 16, 2023.

Kaoutar Elfazazi, Nadia Houmy (ENSA) and Hassan Ouabouch (USMS)expose the main characteristics of the fig value chain in Morocco.

Video capsule #15 La figue en France et dans le Gard

Conference within the framework of the round table ” The fig in the Mediterranean ” held during the Jours de Figues de Vézénobres (Gard, France), on September 16, 2023.

Video on the main characteristics of the fig value chain in the Gard department, France, by the pépiniériste Pierre Baud.

Video capsule #14 La figue en Espagne

Conference within the framework of the round table ” The fig in the Mediterranean ” held during the Jours de Figues de Vézénobres (Gard, France), on September 16, 2023.

Omar Guadarrama, from the Research Center for Agrofood Economics and Development (CREDA-UPC-IRTA, Barcelona) exposes the main characteristics of the fig value chain in Extremadura and Alguaire, Lleida (Spain).

Video capsule #13 Outils pour la gestion hydrique

Conference held during the Jours de Figues de Vézénobres (Gard, France), on September 15, 2023.

Talk on tools for water management in fig cultivation by Cyril Dujean, researcher at INRAE UMR G-EAU. 

Video capsule #12 La Figue & le Figuier une incroyable diversité

Conference held during the Jours de Figues de Vézénobres (Gard, France), on September 15, 2023.

Discover the great variety of fig fruits and crops throughout the Mediterranean region. Conference by Sandrine Rauzier, directrice du centre de la pomologie d’Alès.