Co-creation of agri-food supply chain alternatives
Networking between key stakeholders
Training and capacity-building workshops
Data analysis of the sector
Chestnut Living Lab Video capsules
Compilation of videos of the conference “Gestion de l’AOP Châtaignes des Cévennes et marketing” held in October 19, 2023, at Chambre d’agriculture du Gard-Antenne d’Alès (France)
First Focus Group on the Cévennes chestnut value chain
June 2023. CIHEAM Montpellier organised the 1st meeting of the working group on the development of the “Cévennes chestnut” sector, in collaboration with the producers’ association. This meeting was an opportunity to present the 1st results of the surveys carried out in 2022 to analyse the sector and to discuss the sector’s levers, opportunities and barriers.
Reception of the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry focused on the chestnut sector
June 2023. Reception of a delegation from the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and field visit (Haute Vallée de l’Orb), organised by Agropolis and Lab4Supply. The aim was to meet the chestnut players and find out more about the sector.
CIHEAM Montpellier takes part in the AGM of the Union Languedoc-Roussillon des Acteurs Castanéicoles (ULRAC), organized at the SICA de Caroux.
December 2022. 1st LAB4SUPPLY results and organization of the next steps with the Cévennes chestnut growing sector. Participation in the AOC #Châtaigne Cévenole quality validation process carried out by #Qualisud: the first quality assessment of the Châtaigne des #Cévennes since the AOC was obtained.